FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
You have questions? We have answers!
Below you will find our most frequently asked questions by our prospective clients during consultations, general questions, and clarification about how we operate and what we offer. 🖱️Click or tap the question panel to expand the answer
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🖱️Q: Why do your SEO / Website Services come with a monthly cost?
A. Depending on the nature of your website, a one time design paired with hosting is typically not enough to see the return on your investment for the design or the hosting cost.
The reason for this is because search engines give credence to freshly updated websites, websites with front end and back end SEO, and of course, companies that pay to have their pages at the top of the list for relevant search terms.
If you are creating a website for a single purpose that is functioning as an informational or 'landing page'- say for an event such as a wedding or reunion - then it is completely fine to do a 'one and done' design, even build it yourself using popular CMS tools like Wix or WordPress that allows for visual drag and drop elements and integrations and leave it until the event passes, you can go ahead and cancel your hosting, and allow the domain registration to lapse.
However, if you are creating a website to act as a virtual storefront, advertising page, or homepage for a business or service provider, then you will want to keep your content and design up to date and FRESH to get as much organic traffic and FREE exposure as you can.
Your organic search ranking (that is, where you rank without any paid advertising on the search platform) is based on many factors and that criteria is constantly changing. What worked five years ago doesn't even scratch the service for how we optimize pages for search engine rankings nowadays.
In addition to this, security issues start to arise as CMS and protocols make changes to their encryption and coding, such as the addition of https to provide more secure connections. Every time a new update is released for any CDN or CMS, your website will require maintenance and updates to each plug in or snippet of code that has been added to ensure that it remains compatible and stable (doesn't lead to crashes or slow loading times).
In short, unless you only require your website for a temporary purpose and do not plan on keeping your page(s) online or your domain registered for an extended length of time, then a one time design and content creation can work.
Otherwise, we offer our managed services for the convenience of our clients that do not feel comfortable performing regular updates to their UI, databases, content, etc associated with their pages. Our management service also covers domain registration and renewal as well as hosting solutions with zero downtime migrations, transfers, and backup services so that you don't have to worry about potentially losing business because of a recent update that went sideways.
🖱️Q. What is the average cost of a managed design package?
A. The average cost of non-sales based design packages ranges from about $1000-$2000 per month for most businesses. This includes unlimited updates, maintenance, the design itself, managed hosting, email, content, SEO, and marketing services that most of our clients opt for when building a service package.
Your price estimate or total cost will depend on a variety of factors - what your purpose is, what you are comfortable and capable of doing on your own or in-house, the size of your company or business, how often you want your website updated or redesigned, your marketing strategy, advertising budget, and the complexity of your request.
We do not provide flat rate pricing because we allow for our clients to negotiate and change their service agreements at any time. We understand that your needs and your budget may fluctuate depending on the seasons or how you anticipate expanding or even downsizing. Whatever your purpose, we give all of our clients complete fiduciary transparency when making recommendations and deciding on your quote. If you don't need it, we won't sell it to you.
Compared to the current market for similar services in the US and if outsourced, our services tend to fall on the more affordable side of the scale than other service providers and we pride ourselves in our transparency and the trust we have established with our clients. While we may cost more than hiring a design firm or developer from overseas, our USA based English speaking agents are at your service 24/7 when you will find others cannot be bothered or have a far more delayed response.
Web design costs vary depending on what you are trying to accomplish and the means that you choose to do it with. If you aren't savvy or familiar with the industry, the price points for design packages and services can seem outrageous - particularly with easy to use website building tools like WordPress and Wix which allows for quick and nearly painless website creation with some time and effort.
Furthermore, it is a misconception that you only have to create the website and put content out once and you can forget it. Not only do 'inactive' pages place lower in search results for relevant keywords, updating plug Ins and optimizing the server should be performed regularly to prevent security risks and bugs in the software used to run both your website and your virtual database.
If you are the type of person who enjoys the control that designing your own website can provide, we provide our clients access to the back end through your browser as well as full admin capabilities, backups, and a dedicated Google drive for any content or data files.
How much can I expect to pay for a web design project?
Average web design costs can range anywhere from $100-$100,000* based on complexity, the agency chosen to work on the project, whether it requires customization or advanced development features, and the scope of your project.
Average Cost Breakdown
Basic websites with just a few pages - $500 - $2000 USD
Small Business Websites with moderate complexity - $2000 - $10000 USD
Large e-commerce sites with custom features - $10000 - $50000+ USD
Hosting Costs - $2 - $200+ per month or $200 - $1000+ per year
Domain Registration or Renewal $3 - $15+ per year
Email Service $5 - $25+ per user per month
*This breakdown does not include software licenses, software subscriptions / plugin subscriptions and other additional costs associated with web design. Data from 2023-2024
Our solutions and options for design are flexible, can be adjusted, pro-rated and integrated with some services you may already have.
We only suggest what we think you would benefit from the most at the time of your consultation, allowing you the freedom to downgrade, upgrade, cancel, and add on services as you need them at any time. If you find you don't need something, you can easily adjust your customized service plan with your agent to have changes applied for your next billing cycle. Our pricing model is a sliding scale prices based on design complexity, business / organization goals, functions, software licenses and labor that can fit virtually any project and budget.
The packages listed here were designed with previous customer demand and popularity in mind. Your agent will quote you an estimate at the time of your consultation that can be adjusted and custom fit to your needs and budget as it fluctuates throughout our relationship.
We act only to your fiduciary benefit. Our agents place our clients above the bottom line by providing excellent support and customer service to their assigned clients 24/7, consulting and answering questions to help you make informed decisions when it comes to your web project.
🖱️Q. Will the estimate shown on the build your own service package tool reflect on my invoice?
A. The price shown on the estimate tool is a basic estimate that cannot account for the services provided by any third party partners (such as hosting and domain registration / renewal), advertising costs, and the hourly rate that your agent will be paid for content creation and editing services (if selected).
The build your own service package tool was designed to give our clients an idea of what the cost may be for what they're requesting so that it doesn't come from left field. In addition to providing this estimate, if you request your consultation from the same form your agent will review the options you have selected and information provided easily, allowing them to tweak and change your plan as we get a better understanding of your needs. Your agent does not receive any additional compensation for recommending additional services and their expertise is provided in the spirit of good faith and full disclosure so that you may make an informed decision moving forward.
Should you decide that you do not wish to continue with a specific service or your agent suggests that you add on or remove a service, you may do so at any time during your contract to have the new service agreement applied to your next billing cycle.
🖱️Q. Can I use my current host or host of my choice?
A. We suggest that our clients opt for transferring their hosting and domain registration to one of our partners because many find it much easier once we takeover management and we are easily able to access the DNS records, database, and server once migrated and transfered to instantly begin your design or overhaul.
You may opt to use your own hosting provider as long as you currently have your domain registered with the same company as your host.
For example, if you have hosting through GoDaddy, we require our clients to also have their domain registered through GoDaddy. Why? Because it is much easier to access your web pages and account for management when both items are located on the same platform. While you can purchase your domain from virtually any broker and host your site wherever you choose, this creates continuity issues and can cause disruptions when it comes to serving you, especially if you yourself cannot access your DNS records, databases, or registration details.
🖱️Q. Will I need to purchase a new Domain?
A. In most cases, we can easily transfer your domain to your hosting provider or one of our hosting partners if you purchased it already from another broker / platform.
If you do not currently have a domain, you will need one to start your first website and we are happy to provide many different affordable options in the way of brokers.
Your agent may also suggest that you secure additional domains to further your reach and to ensure that your brand propagates online. By doing this, you will have multiple addresses your potential visitors can visit you through that are either redirects or mirrors of your main website.
If you opt to select one of the dedicated, VPS, or managed WordPress Hosting options from our partner, you may be eligible to secure a domain name for free or $1.99 for a one year registration as part of your service package. We will let you know if any such offers are available, including any promotions or discounted offers for hosting services that we believe you could benefit from.
🖱️Q. Who owns the media, content, domain, etc. ?
A. Everything performed on your behalf or through a contract with your company is the property of yourself or the company contracting us, including any and all intellectual property created and distributed on your behalf.
Your accounts, credentials, registrations, etc. All will also remain under your company or personal name and your agent will provide you the credentials and information you will need in order to access these assets in a compiled folder dedicated to your project. We do not store our clients information / credentials in databases or networks online. Your secure documents with this information will be compiled from handwritten logs each agent keeps for their clients to further your security.
You may access your web pages, advertising accounts, databases, networks, social media, domain registrations / DNS records, host servers, shared drives, and any associated digital materials or accounts at any time throughout our contract.
From time to time, we may ask if we can showcase designs and content created for our clients on our portfolio or as part of a resume for the dedicated agent. You have the right to request that any claim of ownership or reference to yourself or your company be removed from any of our pages, including any agent portfolio or resume, at any time.
For more information on how we store and use data from our clients and visitors, view our Privacy Policy.
Q. Why pay someone else if I can do it myself via WordPress, Wix, etc?
A. While WordPress is free to use / open source, Website builder packages can cost upwards of $290 per month - and that doesn't include software licenses for API, custom development costs if you can't accomplish what you need in the editor, as well as domain renewal and security certificate installation costs.
The main downside to building your own website using these tools is it can be a tedious process and frustrating if you don't have any background experience or knowledge. This, and if you do require any design or development assistance in the future it could end up costing more to fix broken elements and redesign or audit for SEO purposes. Hiring professionals to 'fix' or reformat your website when using these services can end up costing much more than having an internal IT team or hiring a web design firm/ contractor, like us.
🖱️Q. What if I like my current design, I just want someone to manage my website or create content?
A. If you love your current theme or design, who are we to tell you any different? If we can use your current interface and setup to manage and maintain your pages in the way you have requested, we have no problem leaving everything the way we found it.
However, in some instances, keeping the same design comes with issues that we are obligated to inform you about before we attempt to work around them.
Older WordPress themes have security flaws that have been resolved in recent updates while some themes or designs not be compatible with what our agents are educated with and experienced working with. While we will always do our best to maintain the website that you want the most, in some cases, it may be ill advised or impossible. In which case, we will try to redesign your pages to be as close to the original as possible.
Even older designs saved as .HTML or CSS files are not cross compatible with mobile devices or tablets, which amount to 65% or more of web traffic nowadays. This means that when someone views your website on their cellphone or tablet, the interface may appear broken or extremely hard to navigate, the images may not load properly or at all, and some elements may not work as the browser does not read them properly. In this case, we will attempt to redesign your web page using HTML5 using compatible integrations and maintain the overall theme as best we can.
Finally, every web designer and developer is different and will naturally have different tools in their toolbox. Just because we may not be familiar with the CMS or CDN or do not recognize the code or scripts your website is running doesn't mean that we can't create something just as functional that meets your visual and practical Specifications.
🖱️Q. Why won't my website rank on the first page of search results?
A. While we integrate front end, back end, and on page SEO strategies for all of our design projects and clients throughout the service agreement, it is important to note that the first page of search results - at least the first 20 - are typically reserved for sponsored ads. That is, those Advertisers are paying good money to rank at the top.
While we offer Google Advertising and Marketing services, we want to stress that keyword and target phrases for organic traffic is free and while it may not always land you on the first page for very general search terms, for more specific searches we can guarantee you will find yourself among the top ranking results.
This is incredibly important for small businesses and brick and mortar businesses to note, however, as Google advertising campaigns can be expensive and even though we can track conversions, clicks, calls, and visits to your store, unless you are directly selling a product online through your website, there is no way to draw a direct line between making a sale and your ad campaign's ROI.
For example, if you're a small brick and mortar / local business that sells boats, if you type in 'boats for sale' in the search bar, chances are you won't see yourself in the first page results. This is because this is a very generic search phrase. It doesn't imply that someone is looking for a boat to buy in your location or even a model that you offer. For small business and local SEO, we focus on more specific search terms and phrases that relate to the person's intention for their search.
While you may not be at the top for general search terms, something like 'boats for sale near me' will weed out competitors on the larger national scale and streamline your results to your location where your business will rank at the top.
The same applies to virtually any business or product. The SEO strategy we use on your website will be dictated by your purpose, what you want people to know or what people come to you for, and the fine details such as your proximity to your customers, offering specific models, products, or services in your store that make you unique, and all of this is combined to create organic traffic that comes from just good web design.
A. What type of hosting is included or recommended for standard design / management packages?
A. Our standard hosting included with design packages by default is Dreamhost Virtual Private Server and Virtual Private Database hosting which ensures that our smaller clients have the same privacy and security as larger enterprises. Virtual private server hosting is also available to individuals with a variety of specifications to meet your needs. You can view all VPS server specs on Dreamhost.
Q. What if I want to 'switch' to DSS from another IT / design team?
It's easy to switch to our professionals from whatever contracts or arrangements you may have with another contractor, design firm, or company! Our agents will speak to your current provider(s) to plan the best way to switch and to inform you of any difficulties doing so such as downtime, formatting, database transfers, or items in the terms and conditions of your contract that may be addressed.
We take the time to keep you informed and provide you with tools along the way to ensure that the process remains as painless as possible. We never want to take business from our colleagues in a 'hostile takeover' fashion and will encourage the provider you work with to do the same so that the move can be stress free and, should you find that you prefer things the old way, you can switch back with no hard feelings on either side.
A. Do you pass on partner discounts to your clients?
A. Of course! Any time Dreamhost runs a promotion for a Domain credit or any hosting package we make our clients aware that the promotion exists and if it applies to their needs, recommend the package.
While Dreamhost offers many hosting packages at monthly and annual rates which include a small discount at sign up, they often offer free months, months at a discounted rate, or domain credits when you sign up for a new plan or switch to a new plan.
We are partners of Dreamhost and will typically advise our clients to select the hosting package that best suits them based on their needs. Unless you opt for standard hosting which is through our virtual provide server, we utilize the card on file to purchase and auto renew Dreamhost hosting, domain registrations, and add ons as they are agreed upon. Clients may also opt to use our affiliate link to register themselves and purchase the hosting package of their choosing.
Dreamhost allows us to provide both options. Whether you choose to host on our VPS with others on a basic shared plan included in your agreement or you opt for something better suited for you on your own dime, we choose Dreamhost because we have relied on them exclusively for years to provide us, as well as our clients, affordable, reliable, and secure webmail, hosting, and domain brokering services with features that make navigating your web services simple and easy.
We receive a small kickback from your hosting package sign up that helps us maintain our servers and pay our agents while you get service you can count on 24/7 that is always improving.
Q. Do you offer one time or free lance developer services?
A. If you would like to request a one time service consultation or need help with a specific development task, we are more than happy to help you!
Requesting freelance or one time assistance from a pro using the built in help ticket tool offered by most hosting / website design builders can rack up a hefty total, particularly with unique projects or circumstances that require advanced coding or development knowledge.
Please reach out to your current dedicated agent for details or to request their services directly. If your agent is unable to provide the service, they will be able to give you the best recommendation within our organization or outside of it.
If you are a new client or just curious what we offer, we encourage you to book a free consultation with us to discuss your unique projects, company, etc. And what options could be available to you within your budget and expectations.
Q. What legal clauses are listed in your services agreements / contracts or policies created for client pages?
A. We consult with legal representatives across the country that specialize in data privacy, digital security, and consumer law to ensure that our clients are as protected as we are when it comes to creating legal policy pages on your web pages, compliance with laws and regulations for e-commerce and content delivery, as well as the terminology used in our own service agreements and contracts. We encourage our clients to read, review, and ask questions about their service agreements, contracts, policies, or legal pages that we create for you or on your behalf. Both physical and digital copies of any and all documents associated with your account will be shared with your registered agent or internal legal team to ensure you remain compliant and above the law in all regards.
While we put our best foot forward to ensure our agents and customers are made aware of potential legal issues with projects or pages, advertising campaigns, products, etc. And that the terms and conditions of your service agreement are both fair and meet industry standards, our agents and those working under our agency may not be held legally liable for any virtual acts or publications that may be subject to legal scrutiny or litigation brought on by the failure of our clients to perform their own due diligence or the failure of the agent to perform their own due diligence in regards to contract review.
Digital Saints Solutions LLC is not an employer, rather a contractor and contracting agency that engages in sub contracting, affiliate, investment, and referral work. Agents are not employees despite their adherence to company policies and compliance with terms and conditions that allow their eligibility for sub contracting.
Q. When is my first payment due? What payment options are available?
A. Your first payment is due by the date printed on your invoice in the upper left hand corner where the invoice date, due date, and unique invoice number are also located. You will typically receive your first invoice within two weeks of your contract being executed or the signing of your service agreement.
We charge a $50 late payment fee for invoices exceeding 7 business days late.
We have several easy payment options available to our clients, including our online payment processing portal which utilizes PayPal to process your payment securely and you may use your existing PayPal account or checkout as a guest with your credit or debit card.
>>Alternatively, we accept Zelle, wire transfer, company check, direct deposit, or cashier's check / money order. We do not accept cash, personal checks, or e-checks. Checks may be made out to Digital Saints Solutions unless instructed otherwise on your invoice.
For instructions on how to make Zelle payments, direct deposit, or wire payments, refer to the details of your invoice or contact us.
We ask that you verify all information is correct on this column before proceeding with your payment. If your company name, address, or phone number are not accurate, please contact us to update your account details prior to making your payment.
A 1% transaction fee will apply automatically to all online payments. This fee may vary depending on your bank or location. You will need your invoice information to process your payment which includes the 3 character prefix and invoice number we use to identify your account.